We got our first Frenchie in 2015 and fell in love. "Gremmy" was our little black brindle and just everything stereotypical of Frenchies. While she was not suitable for breeding, she launched our love and quest for obtaining and making available high quality Frenchies. Sadly, we lost Gremmy a couple years ago, but have gained so much thanks to her energetic, loving companionship.

We aquired another female, "Maebie", and a male "Jager", and performed our first breeding. We realized that Maebie was not quite of the quality we were aiming for, though her puppies were actually very nice. Jager was coming into his own as a stud when we unexpectedly lost him, too. Though saddened, we kept searching for quality dogs to add to our budding program. We then got Xena, and Amari, two females that we got from our now partner Sterling Frenchies.

About this time the Fluffies were arriving on the scene. So many were "home brew" and poorly structured, and going for astronomical prices. So many were tall, long, or had poor head/ears. People were pushing these dogs to get the quick money and riding the craze, but the dogs were not of the quality we were after, and clearly not the direction we wanted our program to go. This is when we found our partner Connie Gorres of Regalview Acres (Frenchies). She had produced FatStax from a long line of Fluffies...not some quick mix made with some other breed. We became partners with Connie and started promoting FatStax. He is a near perfect example of how a Fluffy should look....Just like a standard Frenchie, but with long hair. He has dominated the show circuit for 2 years, winning numerous awards, including Grand Champion, Nationals Winner, Top Dog of 2023 in the Fluffy category, and is the only Fluffy we know of that has won Best in Show multiple times at a sanctioned show (BRCG), along with several Reserve Best in Show. He is a true one of a kind...so far. He is producing dozens of offspring that are looking just as good, or better, and will anchor quality Fluffy programs for anyone.
Our goal is to keep the Frenchie in the Fluffy.

We now have a daughter of FatStax, Koda, who has also achieved the level of Champion on the show circuit. We anticipate her first breeding Fall of 2024. She is a beautiful, petite, lilac with tan points. We have also recently added a son of FatStax, bred with our friend Lisa Frank of Frank's Frenchies. BlockBuster is a lilac and tan Fluffy that will make his show debut in August at the Minnesota Bully Extravaganza. We also recently paired FatStax with our female Neytiri, a blue brindle fluffy carrier. They procuced 8 blues and lilacs, including 2 fluffies and 6 carriers.

We've also been improving our Standard Frenchie line with "Stumpy", another lilac/tan female, Neytiri, a blue brindle, and RedBull, our red fawn stud that is truly one of a kind with his small, compact structure and huge head. He is actively working and available for stud service. We recently paired RedBull with our very own Amari, and we couldn't be happier with the results. This is our dream litter, and these would be super high quality additions to even the best programs.

We are a small breeder, having 1 or 2 litters a year. Our dogs are our pets, and we love them all. Our couch and bed are full of Frenchies and we wouldn't have it any other way. We continue to breed for and toward Frenchie standards and consider our dogs among the top dogs out there. If you are looking at adding to your breeding dogs, or just looking for a healthy, well tempered Frenchie for a pet, we hope you will check us out !

Information regarding Co-Ownership:

Co-owning one of our females can save you money on your pet purchase. The dog lives with you, you care for it as if it is your own (subject to our agreement), and we take your dog when it is in a breeding cycle to breed. After the puppies are done with the mama, she is once again returned to your home. Generally there is a maximum of 3 breedings, but it may be less. Once the dog is done breeding, she is yours to keep forever. There are some other guidelines, so if interested in a co-own, please contact us using the Guardian Home Application on the Forms and Documents page.

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